Thursday, June 14, 2007

Random Observation

Do you ever find yourself doing type racing? I do. And the person next to me is doing it right now to - and I'm totally kicking her ass, although I think she get's more points for better accuracy. I'm a backspace whore I suppose. Although on Mac's it would be a delete whore. I like those comercials. They're quite ingenious. A dopey, vaguely similar dude to Bill Gates, and your average joe cool, familiar face on the street guy. There are a number of social psych principles I see there... really in any advertising. But anyways. The type racing. I'm still winning, but you wanna know why I'm winning?

Because I'm a silent typer. AND. I'm not... what is it. Chicken pecking? I don't know the term. I'm not even looking at the key board. She is. Shit son. And the only reason she seems like she's going so fast, and thinking that she's so much BETTER at typing than everyone else in the room is because she's about the most intense typer I've ever seen. Hunched over, staring a hole in the key board, and then jerking her head up and down in a seizure like motion to make sure she got the right key. WHOA look at her head move back and forth, left to right, searching for those keys! I must say it's impressive. But it only sounds fast because I'm pretty sure she's trying to karate chop the key board with her fingers. WHAM BAM POW POP POP! Yup. I'm a silent typer. Graceful. Cool. Calm, content, and connected. I am one with my computer, in this glorious lab of computers filled with studies, myspace, and some - oh holy shit I just got really nervous that she started reading my page. Whoa that was scary. There really could be few worse things on the face of the planet than finding out that someone is talking shit about you on a computer... One worse thing that comes to mind is actually being the one to talk shit. I'm not actually TRYING to judge anyone, more or less just amusing myself... good talk Ryan. Way to validate your anti-social behavior.

Cheers to you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that made me giggle cuz i've so done that before, then try to figure out a sly way to distract someone from reading all the crap i wrote about them. good times :) miss you ryno!
