Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Inspiration comes in many forms

Of all the crazy things that can inspire us and amuse us in the world, our friends and family far surpass anything else that I've come across which might be considered even mildly entertaining. There are a few people in our lives, well, a load of them in mine, and I'm sure in yours if you take a second to think about the uniqueness of each person you've met, that have so much character to them.

Life for me has become a whole lot more entertaining when I stop and appreciate the kinds of wacky characters that are in my life. Namely, but definately not limited to, the better looking version of me, my brother Patrick, who's going to be here in a few days. This is his latest email reply to me in response to my proposed itinerary I sent to him:

"Boy, you're amazing. This is weird, but I'm a little scared this trip
is going to fly by so fast superman couldn't catch it. I'm shitting my
pants I'm so excited."

Gotta love the characters. My family is full of them, which, if I can say so myself, is pretty derned Radical.

- the Rhinocerous

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