Monday, June 25, 2007

Pootypablo and the Olympics

I know what you're thinking. WAIT. First of all, for those of you out of the know, Pootypablo is also known as my brother (the twin) Patrick N. Bannan. He's also known as Beetle (as in Beetle Bailey) and other various names which I will not get into here.

I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "Oh, Pootypablo and the Olympics, Ryan is probably gonna make some lame heartless joke about the Special Olympics." But you're WRONG. They're completely unrelated topics.

1) The PatMan himself is FINALLY here. He has been here for 26 hours and I have already laughed more then I have in the past 5 months of being here. It's GLORIOUS I tell you! So grateful to have the family I do because they rock my socks off, bitches.

2) I just had one of the most amazing conversations of my life with a guy who plays volleyball in the Olympics, is a professional speaker, and has all kinds of other crazy business ventures in the works. Speaking of the Special Olympics, inspiring-ly enough, this man I just talked to draws a lot of his inspiration from his mentally handicapped brother who despite his challenges, was the picture of what is happiness and joy in this world. So many people have so much more than that young man and we don't do what we are capable of to really take advantage of this gift we were given... reminds me of the father who does marathons and iron man competitions with his handicapped son - and still finishes at the top of the pack (you can find something about that on google or you tube - pretty inspiring stuff). The guy I just talked with is Andrew McCombe, and I'm going to plug his website and business now because that half hour conversation did great things to change my perspectives on life, and he gave me some great tools to make my dreams happen. - check it out. And if you like that, well even if you don't like that, you should also check out - I am a personal growth junkie, and this stuff is powerful, plain and simple. DO IT.

3) Did I mention Patrick is here? The man's hilarious. He's probably thinking about something ridiculously funny right now, and the average person would never know it. Yup.

You have a fantabulous day dear friend.

Radical Ryno

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