Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Today not Tomorrow

I just took a risk. I am AMAZED at the fact that it is one of the more scary things I've done in my recent past. Right now I'm feeling like it was the scariest thing I've ever done, and all I did was just ask for a little help, from people that really inspire me nonetheless. A little advice, some thoughts, nothing huge. In all reality it's something I could have avoided and figured out on my own. But now people know that I'm serious. Just one small beginning can change alot, yet so often I've found myself putting things off making various excuses and just copping out on some level that leads me astray. Boy I wonder where this new intention of mine is going to take me. I feel an odd mixture of courage and fear in me right now. I need to post the "Rules for Living on the Edge" on here sometime. DING! I just got an idea. Cheers to being radical...


Patrick Bannan said...

I started reading "The Richest Man in Babylon" on impulse today. I'm not far into it, but there are common motifs between the book and what you said here. Good stuff.

Anonymous said...

Man, you two are way to deep for me... -big bro
P.S. My farts f'n stink

Chris said...

I want to see those Rules for Living on the Edge! And I want to see them now!

MLounds said...

You need to keep writing. I'm watching and reading and you have only good things ahead of you:) Did I scare you into comittment on that book?
Mel Lounds